PUBLIC NOTICE - Garbage Service Rate Increase

At the June 12th, 2023, regular city council meeting, city council adopted Resolution 2023-08 approving an increase to the City's garbage service rates.

For the last ten years, the city has been able to keep garbage rates the same, however, due to the rising cost of contracted garbage service, the city council deems it necessary to increase garbage service rates as follows:

Green Can $23.00/can per month
2 yard dumpster $70.00/month
4 yard dumpster $135.00/month
6 yard dumpster $194.00/month
8 yard dumpster $235.00/month

New garbage service rates will begin with the July 15th utility billing.
Thank you for your understanding. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Emery city office at 605-449-4455.